domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Wally Keeler, Shakespeare found guilty

Rhyme Scheme Investigators, after a 392 year investigation, declared that William (The Bard) Shakespeare, was the undisputed Corleone of organized rhyme. The primary evidence consisted of 154 sonnets. Shakespeare's poetic power was so overwhelming that his rhyme schemantra of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG came to bear his name and subsequently dominated over all other sonnet rhyme schemes.
Shakespeare attempted to keep his sonnets within a private readership, however, two sonnets were leaked in 1599 and published in The Passionate Pilgrim. The earliest mention of Shakespeare's sonnets came from Francis Meres in 1598 when he asserted that Shakespeare had "sugred Sonnets among his private friends". (Source: Honan, Park (1998), Shakespeare: A Life, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 0198117922 .) Investigators found over the centuries that poetry circles and triangles have been praising the Sonnets as a profound meditation on the nature of love, sexual passion, procreation, death, and time.
The Last Interim Report of the Commission On the Causes and Manifestations of Divergent Think Procedure Concerning the Apoetheosis of Organized Rhyme Throughout the Anglosphere concluded that William (The Bard) Shakespeare is head and shoulders above all other diversities of organized rhyme. This case is considered closed.

Fuente:, excelente blog a cargo de Wally Keeler, blogger radicado en Torornto y cuya imagen vemos aquí:

Otros blogs de este singular y desopilante escritor:.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Oscar Bike, A Quevedo

A vos, que con bella rima
y nobles obras ejemplares,
me llevásteis a la cima
de poemas magistrales.
A vos, que con vuestros versos
festivos, literarios y satíricos,
mis ojos dejasteis inmersos,
en divinos sonetos empíricos.
A vos, madrileño castizo,
que enaltecisteis al pedo,
oloroso, sonoro y apretadizo.
A vos, de cuyos textos quedo,
obligado, dichoso y enterizo;
y cuya excelencia no precedo.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Glauco Mattoso, Sobre o cerume e meu costume


Com seu conhecimento millennar, o japa ja inventara a ferramenta mais certa para o ouvido que atormenta a gente, quando a cera accumular. Fallei do tal pauzinho, onde, em logar da poncta, uma conchinha se apresenta: coçando, elle recolhe essa nojenta massinha, tão amarga ao paladar! Cerume não se explica por que fede: será para que a gente não o coma? Mas como, nem que o estomago me azede! A cera tem da merda cor e aroma, mas gera tal coceira, que me pede, raivoso, que eu a masque como gomma!